Friday, August 10, 2012

Since I Have Been Away.

Well, it has been approximately two years since I have been on this blog spot and I have been a very busy little bee. Since I have been gone I have completed my Associates of Science Degree in Pre-Nursing; I have been accepted into a Pretty good nursing program; we did not go on vacation this year because I was taking classes to complete my AS, PRN; and next year I will be taking summer courses also. It's just five semesters and it will all be over soon, it’s just one more summer of stay-cations. I have lost a few friend died in a motorcycle crash, one friend died by his own hand, one of my aunts died from breast cancer (she was 85) ... With the mixture of good and bad my life, it has been reasonably consistent. When I began this blog the Gulf of Mexico was being compromised by a leaking well head at the bottom of the sea. The gulf seems to be sicker than it was before the spill; the only people that seem to know that there is an ongoing propaganda campaign are the locals. There are billboard signs encouraging locals to resume eating gulf seafood and re-education programs in schools that have been funded by BP and other businesses to hide their abuses and to keep us quite...What is a good German like me to do against adversaries so well-funded... In 2010 my pecan trees failed to yield any nuts, I can only assume that the reason why they failed is because the we had very little rain and the air quality was bad, I cracked a few shells and the nut was shriveled and black, a total loss. I usually gross about fifty pounds of nuts from my trees. It's not a whole lot but I can say that the normal pecan pie and German pastries were not on the menu for that last couple of years. I am optimistic about this year’s crop of nuts; they are high in the trees and clustered well, so we might have a decent harvest of nuts this year. We do eat seafood, but the seafood is bought about a hundred miles east of where we live. The seafood here (in my local) is just a little bit contaminated and the fauna shows more occurrences of abnormalities than the colonies harvested east of us. We do venture into the gulf for recreation but we do so in Tampa, Florida. The last few times I have taken my children to the water here they have become ill, my youngest developed pneumonia and the others acquired bacterial infections of the lungs. Needless to say, these children will not be swimming in the northern Gulf of Mexico for a while. Next year we will go to Tampa and they can have fun again. Thanks for stopping by my blog I hope to write for you guys again!